Saturday, January 11, 2014

Submitting #5 - The wait

You've submitted your book and now one of the worst things possible begins... The wait.

This is the time period between submitting and getting word your work has been accepted, or rejected, by the publisher of your choice. If this is your first book it is a terrifying time of second guessing yourself and wondering what all else you could have done to maybe give your work a boost over all others. Question after question will begin to pour through your head as you go back to look at the email you sent in. Did I spell everything correctly? Did I mention something I shouldn't have? Did I not mention something I should have? Did I forget one of the steps that's a must to get this accepted? Did I even remember to send in the manuscript?

The questions will rattle you but, remember, this is normal and every author had this happen that very first time. It's a terrifying experience. More so because you know, for a fact, that some nameless, faceless person on the receiving end is now deciding your potential fate in the world of published authors. But have faith. If you followed your list of must do's (Submitting #2 - Create a check-list) then you are as well off as you possibly can be.

Get your mind off the wait, it is going to take a while no matter how polished and amazing your story is, how concise you were in your synopsis and cover letter. 

Do the only thing you can, occupy yourself. Pour all that nervous tension and energy into something productive, like another story. Any time your mind starts to wander and you start looking at the calendar to calculate the days, hours, minutes and seconds since you emailed the publisher, push it aside and write. Focus everything you are on a story to get out of your own head.

Or you could clean, if you really wanted to, but who really wants to clean? Cooking is also good or baking, but do something to keep yourself busy and otherwise occupied mentally.

Remember, just because you haven't heard back from the publisher within 8 minutes 42 seconds of sending the email, means NOTHING. Most publishers have a huge waiting list of works to look over. Check the submission section (or the FAQ) of their site and you will likely find what the "average" time for word back on a submission is. On average 2-6 weeks is relatively standard. Some will give longer time frames depending on the time of year. Remember, these people get holidays too. So, chill!

The Moderator

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