Monday, January 13, 2014

Be Seen #5 - Don't slack off now!

You've gotten yourself online, you've pimped your book and let everyone know it's coming as well as teasing them until the big day arrived in spectacular fashion, but you can't stop now.

Take a break, definitely, you need to take a little time for yourself once you've gotten over the hump. But you can only slack off for so long. You need to keep up your online presence so that you can chat with those that have just bought your book. Plus you need to mention it every now and again so it stays fresh in the minds of those who couldn't get it yet, didn't have a chance to get it or who are waiting until payday to go shopping crazed on the online sites.

This does NOT mean that you post everyday about your book that's now out and available, that just pisses people off. But posting once every couple of weeks is quite acceptable. In and between all that you should post about other things, talk about your next project or generally just stay in touch with your readers and fans. You need to keep yourself out there, but remember, don't share too much personal information (as discussed in Be Seen #1).

A good way to avoid too much personal information and yet still let people feel they are getting to know you, is talking about the next project on your plate. Is it a continuation (serial) to the book you just published? Is it something new you are trying? Give them a little bit of an idea about what it's about, just don't commit yourself to anything in particular. Especially if you are not 100% sure what the story will be yet. But you can talk about the idea a little, not too much though, you need to be very careful on this point. Too much information and someone else can scoop your idea.

Yes, that does happen, but that will be covered in another post so stayed tuned.

The Moderator

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