Since we've been running around providing you with all this information for the last couple of months, we thought it was time to introduce the Team. We're keeping all the information "generic" so that no one feels pressured in any way to buy something or perhaps feel biased by any information we give. Not saying it would happen, but who knows - right?
June Smith – Owner of our blog. June is a multi-published author of several novels and a couple anthologies she writes under a couple different names. Her main genre is Historical Romance though she’s been stepping out of her box of late and exploring more of an Erotic Romance theme with a new novel. Nineteen years married she has two daughters she occasionally will claim as her own, more often than not she tries to pawn them off on some unsuspecting sucker. June does a number of charity events as well as volunteering with a not-for-profit group for young mothers in her local area. With the spare time she has left between all her projects and her own family, who she never skimps on, she does a number of artsy type projects. Her current projects are learning to cross stitch without stabbing herself and swearing as well as finding a medium (ie: painting materials and surface) she can work with easily for painting. She has just recently thrown out water paints as they are too hard to get "just right".
Sam “The Moderator” – Answers only to Sam or Sammy, only an idiot or her mother ever uses Samantha and the idiot usually ends up limping. Sam was an only child until the rather shocking arrival of her twin brothers when she was nine. According to her, her parents were rather worried about how she’d take the news she was no longer the soul focus of their attention. Her reply at the time, a direct quote, “Thank God there’s someone else for you to finally smother”. Sam, if you hadn’t yet guessed, can be a bit of a smart ass. She is an up and coming author with four books, three full length novels and one short story, under her belt with a fifth currently slotted for early spring of 2014. Single and loving it she lives in a “quaint little place” that she has decorated to express her eclectic nature in what she calls a “you’ll love it or just not comment on it” manner. Sam is our primary poster for the page as she can touch type, chew bubble gum, cheer on her NHL team and hold a conversation all at the same time. Multitasker be thy name! Sam will also be the one answering your emails should you send one needing answering as she has the time and leniency with her day job to do a lot of the Internet stuff some of the others cannot or choose not to do.
George “The Original G-man” - Is another Moderator you should, in theory, be meeting in the future. George writes mystery novels for a living under two different pseudonyms. He claims that computers hate him and will only post when Sam goes on holidays if a gun is held to his head. We might just have to get him to post something strictly for the entertainment factor. He prefers sitting back and dictating to someone else or hand writing everything, including his novels. Which, given what happened to his last laptop, is likely best for the tech world in general. Though at least his computer place is loving him and we know for a fact the guys over there squee in anticipation of his excuse for why this particular computer broke "this time around" when he walks through their front door. He also picked out his own moniker and wouldn't let us veto him. He claims he will post the instant he finds his theme song. Yes, George is one of "those" people, but he has a lot of good ideas and can actually spell so we keep him around. George is a widower with two adult sons, one is just finishing college (or so George hopes) and the other is happily married to his childhood sweetheart and expecting baby number one. Georgie's going to be a grand-daddy! HA!
Tammy “The Newbie” - Last, but not least, is our final Moderator for the blog. Tammy is a budding author and actually part of the reason that June managed to talk Sam and George into starting this blog up with her. Actually, it was more like talking Sam into writing the blog for her than anything else. Because Tammy is just starting out in the business we've all been passing along helpful tips we've picked up over the years as authors - in between scaring the shit out of her. And, smart little cupcake that she is, Tammy said it would be nice to pass this along to others. So here we are, all because of Tammy. Boy this could come back to bite her in the ass later depending on how this all plays out LOL! Tammy is taken, for anyone that's wondering, she is engaged with a rough date set for early 2015 for her wedding. She has one older brother serving in the military that we are all very proud to have met and are sad to see go back each and every time he redeploys. Tammy will be posting when she has time with her current school workload (she's in university currently), her first book and all the wedding plans running amok. She won't be posting all that often for a time, at least until she likely has a few tales to tell all her own or school breaks occur - whichever comes first.
And there you have it. The Unvarnished Author Team. We're all certifiably insane, a little bit off balance and would go to the wall for anyone we call friend or family. We're eccentric and strange but you'll either love us or leave us.
The Team (insert Team theme music here that will be decided upon at a date yet to be announced)