Monday, January 20, 2014

The Scoop #6 - From the mouths... (warning: language)

The biggest blows to your career can come from multiple directions. One of the worst though, at least in our minds, come from your fellow authors. These would be those spiteful, conniving, vengeful assholes who think nothing of ruining your reputation just so they can find a little pleasure in their day. They only do this because they know for a FACT they are not even half the author you are, they are not even half the human being you are and because they want to feel better about themselves and their too pitiful little lives. It is a sad thought to know someone you might consider a friend is actually the one both stabbing you in the back but also twisting the blade.

It is also the truth. Because your fellow authors, one's you may chat with on a daily basis and who you might call "friend", are the ones that know just what to say to ruin your career. Oh, and they don't even care if they have to bend the truth a little or a lot, hell they'll even make shit up too if it serves their purposes. But they are not dumb, not by a long shot. They are complete and total idiots and morons, there's no doubt about that, but not dumb. They know just who to pass a word to, say just the right thing to have someone asking "what do you mean?" and then they can dish. But it always comes with the infamous and eye rolling precursor "now this may just be rumor but I heard..." insert smack talk here.

And there is not a fucking thing you can do about it. It's that simple. People will talk shit about you behind your back to those you are either trying to establish a working relationship with or are working with now just because they are jealous little ho's. We're sorry about the language (mostly) but it's the damned truth! If these people had even a smidgen of an ounce of self-worth they would never, ever feel the need to attack another human being in this manner. But then again, we're talking about self-centred ass wipes without a grain of a conscience being worse than a group of teenage girls who just saw the captain of the football team giving the "unpopular" girl a bit of attention instead of mooning over their primped and spoiled "cheerleader", and so damned fake, asses.

Straight up fact - women can be bitches, men can be assholes, you can even switch those roles around. But not everyone is that way. Some of the nicest people (on the surface anyway) on the planet would sell your soul, yours not theirs, for a few bucks while some of the biggest jerks (appearance/attitude wise) have some of the biggest hearts of gold around and would give you the shirt off their backs. No matter what - don't judge a book by it's cover, don't talk about your business (and by business we mean what you're doing to make money) with another person you don't trust implicitly and never online and don't ever, ever, smack talk about someone to anyone else. That shit will bite you so hard and you will come out smelling like shite!

There is our two cents on this topic with, we are so absolutely sure, more to come in the days and weeks and months to come.

The Moderator

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