Monday, February 24, 2014

Helpful Tip #6 - The Dedication

This is something that every author will need to contemplate when writing or editing their book. Some authors have their dedications all lined up and others wait until that final step to put in a dedication.

We won't lie, dedications can be a bitch to write. For any number of reasons really. There are as many variations of the dedication for a book as there are authors. Each author has their own way of writing a dedication and choosing to whom the book shall be dedicated. We do have a few guidelines though to help you through this final task of prepping your book. Just remember, these are just general tips, not hard and fast rules - always go with your gut.
  • Be sincere if that is your goal, keep the tone of the dedication in that note through the entirety
  • If you're more a joker, keep it clean - and remember, not everyone may get your humor so be careful
  • Quotes are nice too, just remember to give credit for the quote no matter if it's from someone you know or another author or from some famous person
  • If you do a "Dedicated in the memory of...", be concise and heartfelt but brief, making your readers cry before they get to the story isn't a good thing
  • Thank your readers from time to time - doesn't have to be every book, but remember to thank the ones that actually got you to this point, those that buy your books
  • If you had help on a book (ie: from law enforcement, the military, your neighbor) thank them specifically and, if it's permissible to do so (check first!), use their name and rank/title
Now, we're not saying you have to put in a dedication. You don't. Plain and simple. Your publisher and editors give you the opportunity to think on it and decide if that is what you want to do. If it's something that is all you, don't feel obligated to dedicate it to anyone. Or dedicate it to something silly and show a little humor before your readers get into your story - again, keep it clean people.

Just make sure that whatever the dedication is, it reflects your inner self no matter if it's special, just a shout out, or if it's a quote from a TV show you were watching at the time you were writing the big scene.

Dedications are a way to give back a little something extra. So always be 100% sincere. Unless you can get away with a smart ass comment and then go with the smart ass comment.

The Moderator

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