Friday, February 14, 2014

Submitting #7 - Titles (and series)

So many may claim that writing the story is the hardest part. Others may claim that knowing just when/how to end a story is the hardest part. But we think, at least in our humble opinions, that choosing a book Title is the hardest part. Quickly followed by a Series name. We'll focus on the titles in this since we (meaning me) don't feel like typing out title/series every time.

Now, we're not saying this occurs all the time. Some book titles just come to you, a flash of something and BAM! there it is. Some titles you know before you've even started the book. Some titles even inspire you to write a story and who and where the characters will go all come from it as well.

Then there is the other 40-90% of the time. Sitting there, at the end of the story, staring at it and going "what the hell should you be called?". It sucks. Especially if it's your first book - this is the book that introduces you, makes your mark, announces you to the world! It's important to get it just right. We did a quick poll amongst ourselves, the four of us, to find out how many titles we thought of and tossed on that first book. On average, it was eight titles. Eight titles that we wrote down, thought about and quickly dismissed only to have to come up with something else. That doesn't sound like a lot, but it really is.

A title can make or break your book. A title has to catch the eye of the reader, draw them into reading the blurb and then make them buy it. Everyone says "don't judge a book by it's cover"? How true is that in reality?

Too short and it may not say what you need it to. Too long and people get bored just reading the title. Ambiguous and you'll lose the reader right off. Too pointed and they may think you're trying to tell them something - could go either way. So what is the perfect recipe for a title?

No, seriously, we're asking. What is the perfect recipe for a title?

Everyone has a theory but really, we don't know if there is a clear and concise answer. While we know that shorter titles tend to attract readers quicker, too short titles throw them off - or so the "experts" claim.

Our best answer to the title dilemma is this. Pick something that relates directly to your story. Don't write a book about vampires and name it "Pretty Pink Clouds". Unless these vampires live on "Pretty Pink Clouds", it's really not an appropriate title for your book. Especially if it's dark and dangerous in vibe. That title just made it sound all sunshine and rainbows with unicorns hopping about. A serious turn off for readers to be duped in such a way.

Good news is, your publisher will likely smack your fingers if you tried the above scenario. They don't want you naming it something inappropriate either, not when their name is attached to it.

The Moderator

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