Saturday, December 21, 2013

Be Seen #4 - Release Day

Many authors have many different ways of doing release days. None of these are wrong, they are what works for them and you will need to find what works for you. Every author has their own method, their own way of doing everything that involves their books and now it's your turn. The below are just some examples of the styles we've noticed over the years in the business. Again, none are right or wrong, they are what works for each individual author and the more power to them we say.

Please note, the terms we're using to identify each method are ours alone and are not meant to insult or upset anyone. In other words, you get pissy, we're kicking you out of here so fucking deal.
  • Laid back - This author has an amazing following, one that pays attention to everything they do so they need only say "here's the link for my book" and their following is off to the races to start buying.
  • Relaxed yet excited - This author too has an amazing following, one that pays attention to what they do but this author likes to pump some extra juice into their announcements that their book is out, sort of "guess what time it is? that's right, it's out! here's the link you wonderful people, go and get it!". This author may also add an extra little teaser beforehand to really help build the anticipation.
  • Amped up - This author is the sort that starts building the anticipation to the release in the days or week prior to the release. A bunch of snippets, a few teasers and even a sinfully wonderful yet unfulfilling excerpt. Then they really drive it all home in the last minutes, maybe even offer up a prize like an early copy of the book to build the excitement even higher.
  • Wildly enthusiastic - This author likely does something like a release day party. This would have prizes, SWAG and lots of fun tasks to keep the fans excited and in the mix, making them feel a part of the party and basically just having a great time.
Now, as mentioned, there is no right or wrong way to do a release. It's whatever works best for you, your life, your career, your books and your fans. Whatever it is, once you find it, do not deviate. You may have to try a few different methods but never fear, you will find something that works and gets the crowd happy and pumped. It could be just one of the ways above or it could be a combination that suits you. Don't worry right off if you're not hitting the mark straight away, no one ever does, it's all a little trial and error for most of us. Like all good things it just takes a bit of time to find the right fit for you.

The Moderator

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